Visiting Our Sites
Major Hazard Facilities
NZOSL terminals are classified as ‘Major Hazard Facilities’ under the Health and Safety at Work Act, with the exception of diesel-only facilities. This means they are workplaces that have significant hazards due to the storage and use of large quantities of petrol or jet fuel.
Safety is paramount when working at NZOSL. We work closely with Worksafe and the local community. We develop Safety Cases that contain emergency response information and action requirements through a well-established management system, robust hazard identification and risk assessment processes that NZOSL have in place.
Safety Case Handbook
This handbook from the New Plymouth terminal provides an easily understood summary of the NZOSL Taranaki Terminal Safety Case submitted on 4th April 2018. It briefly explains why and when a Safety Case is required.
Site Induction
If you are a Contractor or Haulier Driver, you must complete an online induction before entering a NZOSL terminal site. When you enter our site for the first time, you will meet a NZOSL team member who will take you through a site specific induction. Our induction process builds your awareness of NZOSL processes and procedures, our way of ensuring you remain safe.

Terminal Gate Purchase
Wholesale fuels are available to purchase through pre-arrangement with BP. Fuels available to purchase are
- Diesel
- Regular 91 Octane Unleaded Petrol
- Premium 95 Octane Unleaded Petrol
To purchase fuel you must purchase at least 5,000 litres of any given type of engine fuel in each transaction unless otherwise required by legislation.
For more information from BP how to purchase, current prices etc, please see BP’s website (link below)
Once the supply is confirmed, BP will put the haulier in touch with the NZOSL terminal, where the process and requirements will be discussed.
Requirements will included
- Tankers must comply with the Worksafe Flammable Liquids Road Tank Wagons Code of Practice
- The tanker must display a current Safe Load Pass
- All Tanker drivers must complete the NZOSL driver induction process
For more information of NZOSL’s requirements, please see guide.
Purchase of Goods and Services
If you are a supplier to New Zealand Oil Services, you are required to abide by the Supply Terms and Conditions. Click on button below to download.